Thursday 8 October 2009

New website launch, new premises, new services... its all happening here

I had forgotten how long websites can take to launch... what with the keyword research, content filling, navigational design, images to add ... the list goes on. Feedback is appreciated and i am udpating it daily so stay tuned for more.

Papershrink have grown over the last 4 years since I first joined. We are in new premises, we have new staff, we have a new subdivision (Papershrink Medical Consultancy) and we are now in partnership with IRIS Resourcing.

We supply their clients with a bespoke scanning service so as partners, we can offer a seamless end to end accountancy service for accountant who wish to outsource.

Papershrink provide the scanning services and IRIS Resourcing provide the software.

Papershrink are attending all the IRIS World exhibitions over the next month so come along and say hi to us and enter our competition to win free scanning.

We now offer lots of new services which i will be covering in the future but if you have any questions at all about document scanning then please email me. We are more than happy to help.

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