Monday 2 November 2009

Choosing a document scanning bureau you need to consider 7 things.

Here is the October 09 newsletter I sent out last week.

Just because you don't subscribe doesn't mean you should be able to read it.  Although if you do subscribe you can read it first !

Any subjects relating to document scanning that you would like to see written about then please let me know.  I am happy to help.

Subject: Choosing a document scanning bureau...7 things to consider

Choosing a document scanning bureau ... 7 things to consider

Papershrink Ltd Newsletter

A LOT has been happening since the last newsletter we sent out earlier this year.

This is just a taste of what's been going on ...

• A new website launch, please tell us what you think here

• Papershrink are now accredited IRIS partners helping IRIS Resourcing

• Increased security throughout our new premises

• We have also launched a new arm of Papershrink called Papershrink Med Consultancy

• Formed a new partnership with p2d and launched our invoice processing service

• Attended 4 exhibitions of IRIS World, up and down the country.

IRIS world was a huge success and we hope you came and spoke to us. If not feel free to ask us about how we work with IRIS Resourcing and ask for a free trial pack

We are here to save you time, save you money and save you space.

We always want to give you helpful advice, hints and tips so here are the 7 top tips for choosing a document scanning company.

1. Can you have a free trial?

How is the company's customer service? How clear are the images? How are your individual needs met? All these can all be assessed at no risk with a free trial.

2. Cost

Make sure you compare like for like. Use the same amount of sheets to quote on, and document types and sizes. Using an online estimator can help give you an idea but your specific needs might result in a different quote. You need to ring up and talk to a few bureaux.

Check for hidden costs, how do you compare like for like between bureaux? Is the prep time quoted in hours? How would you verify the number of hours worked? Costs for preparation can be hidden, so be aware.

Paper sizes can also be used as a hidden extra cost. Has the bureau given you prices for both A4 and A3 sized prices? Will they charge for anything slightly longer than an A4 as two A4s? What happens if you want to scan a mixture of sizes? Ask the bureau for a full breakdown of their prices.

3. Storage of Documents?

Consider the security of the premises your documents are to be stored in. Are the premises adequately protected and secure?

4. Confidentiality.

Has everyone at the bureau signed a confidentiality agreement? Is the bureau registered as data controllers at the Information Commissioner's office? Has everyone been CRB checked?

Can the bureau replicate your paper filing system or are you being persuaded to choose a new way of finding your files? Does the bureau comply with BIP0008?

5. Collection and delivery.

Who does the bureau use for the collection and delivery of your documents? Can you track and trace? Can you have the electronic files delivered back to you in a format of your choice? Do they discuss alternative document management systems with you or are they pushing you down one route?

6. References

What references and testimonials does the company have? How long have they been scanning? Are they used to dealing with a variety of paperwork and different sizes?

7. Quality controls and guarantees. What quality control procedures are in place for both the scanning and indexing? Does the bureau comply with BIP0008? Do they have an accuracy guarantee? If so, what is the percentage guaranteed? How do they prove that every single file or page has been scanned?

Being able to make a well-informed choice about which document scanning bureau you choose can make the difference between a well planned and thought out project that goes smoothly, and a bunch of electronic files on a disc that you can't use efficiently.

We think these seven top tips will help you make a well-informed decision when choosing a document-scanning bureau.

Any comments are welcome and if you would like to receive our newsletter please sign up on our website at

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